Business Decisions: AI + Contextual Intelligence driving adaptability

Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change

-Stephen Hawking

For an intelligent business to survive in this century they have to not only bring the insight to the decisions but also need to bring in the contextual intelligence as a part of insight.

This keeps on evolving or better – Re-imaging the way company works to achieve a Common Goal. Company’s processes, leadership and transformation has to align to that common goal and keep on changing or adapting as it move ahead

What is Contextual Intelligence?

Contextual intelligence is awareness & understanding fully the context in which one is operating. Having contextual intelligence enables to navigate that complexity and respond appropriately in the face of change (expected and unexpected) & to appropriately bring past experience, present intuition, and future ambiguity– in other words: hindsight, insight, and foresight – to bear on any given problem.

People don’t want to buy a quarter-inch drill. They want a quarter-inch hole

-Theodore Levitt

Spurt in AI Adoption

Gartner predicts that by 2020, 25% of customer service operations will use virtual customer assistants and 30% of companies will employ AI to augment their primary sales processes.

Image sourced from

Setting CONTEXT to AI

AI Engines are inherently stateless, and conversations between people can differ greatly based on their relationship and how much they know about each other. Because of this, developers struggle with how to keep track of different variables while maintaining the context and natural flow of a conversation. This is further complicated by the fact that data is created everywhere – including by your users, your company – and it varies in importance, utility, and lifespan.

Effective context management is important because it allows AI to interact with users in a way that is easier, quicker, and more helpful – and less robotic and scripted. Contextual data helps users complete tasks faster and allows you to create more natural, human-like back and forth conversations. It can even be used to personalize your message and sales pitch – helping you sell more effectively.

How to get Contextual Intelligence – Semantic Analysis

The text is analyzed in a way that is similar to how a person would analyze it, imitating some of the cognitive processes that we all instinctively use to understand the meaning of a text. To do this, the software must have a rich and deep knowledge of the world and language (which is usually stored within a knowledge graph) and use algorithms written specifically for the understanding of text.

Semantic technology is the only technology able to face the types of problems where it is necessary to understand, even partially, the content of a text, whether for a short email or a report of dozens of pages. Only with semantic technology can we understand the meaning of words and phrases, identify relationships between concepts and/or entities and make inferences from elements extracted from a text.

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